Medical Marijuana Certifications
- 2-year Certification or Renewal
- Rapid <24 hour certification
-$50/consultation | $100/full service
- 10% off all future purchases! (Excise-tax free)
Card Benefits
- Priority Access at Dispensaries
- Higher Grade Medical Cannabis
- Cultivation Privileges (up to 72 plants & 15 oz)
- Legal Protection
- Travel Privileges
- Workplace Security
- No minimum age w/ caregiver
For $50:
Pre-register with the STATE of Michigan
For step by step instructions click here.
Use Physician ID: 5101020789
For $100:
Simply complete medical evaluation and consultation, BUD!
State fee + services included.
Featured on www.MarijuanaDoctors.com
Hippa-Compliant | State Approved | Tele-medical

Science is proving that controlling inflammation is the key to preventing disease.
Chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.
Cannabis is known to safely fight inflammation in several ways. NSAIDs like Aspirin, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties, however have much more side effects and a higher fatality rate than marijuana does.
Used naturally throughout history, unlike synthetic prescription drugs, it grows from the ground to showcase its beauty through swirls of emotion. it's benefit reminds its users time over time.
When ingested properly, is now known to decrease various disease progression. Science is now fractioning and breeding various potencies for safe usage and analyses.
There are various ratios of THC, CBD, CBG, ETC depending on user preference and comfort.

"Dr. Deen was quick and professional. Offered me a follow up to further educate/track my condition; connected me with my current specialist"
- Adam
Quick, easy, and professional. Was able to renew in less than 24 hours.
- Alexandre